Cystitis Glandularis in a 13-year-old female cat

Cystitis Glandularis in a 13-year-old female cat

Ajith leading the way in science and innovation

Ajith leading the way in science and innovation

The benefits of digital cytology and histology working together

The benefits of digital cytology and histology working together

Exploring the benefits of digital workflow in veterinary diagnostics

Exploring the benefits of digital workflow in veterinary diagnostics

Amyloid-producing odontogenic tumour (APOT) in a 5-year-old Maine-Coon cross cat

Amyloid-producing odontogenic tumour (APOT) in a 5-year-old Maine-Coon cross cat

Age-related arteriolar changes with lipid and amyloid deposits in the gonads of dogs: a review 

Age-related arteriolar changes with lipid and amyloid deposits in the gonads of dogs: a review 

Odontogenic lesions in captive non-domestic felids: a review

Odontogenic lesions in captive non-domestic felids: a review

Dermal canine haemangioma

Dermal canine haemangioma

Interesting Hedgehog Case

Interesting Hedgehog Case

Colour dilution alopecia in a 3-year-old male Doberman

Colour dilution alopecia in a 3-year-old male Doberman