Digital Pathology: taking veterinary diagnostics to the next level


For those who don’t know, NationWide Laboratories have now gone digital with their pathology capabilities with the addition of the 3DHistech Pannoramic 1000 RX (P1000) digital scanner. The P1000 is a high-capacity scanner that can scan 100 slides an hour and about 2,000 per day. Its high resolution allows for the processing of cytology, haematology and histology samples. The images produced by the P1000 scanner are top quality, and it also has the ability to process images via “water immersion”, making it one of the few machines in the UK that offers this outside of research facilities. Water immersion means we can achieve the same level of magnification as oil immersion, which is particularly useful in viewing cytology and haematology samples.

Author: Kerry Freel BVMS GPCert (SAS) FRCPath MRCVS